10MM Red Jasper w/ silver hardware and "Doux Sept" logo. Also available in other hardware.
Red Jasper stones are the mood stabilizers we could all use a little more of throughout the day. The Red Jasper properties grab hold of your root chakra and plant it firmly within the positive, nurturing and motivated energy of the Earth. By adding stability to these lower chakras, you are less likely to be toppled by the emotional turbulence of higher chakras. If you are a worrier, consult a Red Jasper stone to dim those constant thoughts, and sleep, live and love with greater ease.
Through infusing its healing properties into the base and sacral chakras, the red jasper meaning gives off an incredibly nurturing energy. Find comfort in the way it grounds you in a place of calm. Carry a red jasper stone with you, in your pocket or purse. When you start to become overwhelmed with worry or negative thoughts, grasp the red jasper stone in your hand. It can be helpful to repeat a soothing mantra in your mind, as well. Use the red jasper to set an intention, like: “I am in control, surrounded by peace, love and calming energy.”
This stone may comfort you, but don’t be fooled. It is a force to be reckoned with. Red jasper works by waking up and energizing any areas of your body that feel sluggish or inactive. It gives you an adrenaline rush that gets the life force energy within you moving.